Sunday, July 24, 2011

Series "Communication Techniques" in Japanese

Hello, everybody!

About one month ago I uploaded the announcement for a series I started in Japanese. If you are interested in Japanese language, I think it will be a good listening practice although I am a foreigner speaking with the Miyazaki regional accent. Anyway, I am proud of the regional accent here: it is very soft and musical.

Please, have a look at the annoucement of the コミテク入門 (Introduction to Communication Techiniques).

Basically, I talk about conversation in a foreign language for Japanese people. Conversation in a foreign language is not only about learning tons of vocab, grammar, etc. These are also important topics but there are some techniques people can use to learn from conversations, even if they don't understand everything: they can at least try to get hold of the conversation to learn as much as they can.

If you are learning Japanese, you can apply the same techniques for learning Japanese.

Please, take a look at the videos and tell me what you understood! If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.

Try your best for this exercise!

All the best!

Alex (^-^)V

Learn Japanese Language! - Episode 1 of the series "Living in Japan"

Hello, everybody!

Here is the first episode of the series "Living in Japan". It was recorded in English. This is a video for foreigners who live or are planning to come to Japan. It happens that many foreigners in Japan don't learn Japanese because they think they can get by with English only. Well, to a certain extent it is possible to get by with English only especially when shopping and eating out, for example.

I encourage foreigners to learn the language. Many English speaking foreigners think that Japanese people should know English and speak it but.. come on! They are Japanese in Japan.... You are the foreigner here. Besides, the fact that they learned English doesn't mean that they must be able to speak it. How much do you remember from your Spanish or French lessons?

The first episode is divided in two parts.

Here is Part 1.

and here is Part 2.

I hope these videos can be of some help to you.

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to send me a message.

Thanks a lot for your time!

Alex (^-^)V

Video series "Living in Japan"

Hello, everybody!

Thanks God that He got angry at the guys who were trying to build the Tower of Babel... otherwise I would be unemployed here in Japan.

I started a YouTube channel in late May. On this channel I would like to upload videos about life in Japan seen from the viewpoint of a foreigner, about Japanese language and culture. I am planning to record videos in English, Portuguese and German. I started recording the series "Living in Japan" in English. Please, have a look!

This is the announcement video for the series. The idea of the series is to offer hints and advice about Japanese language, society, people and culture for foreigners who have been living here for a short time, for foreigners who are planning to come to Japan or for people who are interested in the country.

It would be great if you could have a look at this video and at the others of the series. If you have any questions about Japan, Japanese culture, society and people, please, let me know. If I don't know about the topic, I will be glad to research about it for you.

All the best! (^-^)V


Hello, everybody!

Hello, everybody!

Here is Alex. Nice to meet you! I am a foreigner living in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.

What I do here? Well, a couple of things: I am a researcher in math, I teach English at a local high school and I am also a freelance translator.

I am very interested in Japan, Japanese language, culture and society. I am also interested in other Asian countries' cultures as well.

I will write a lot about Japanese culture and language, so if you have just arrived in Japan or plan to come to Japan, please, don't miss my videos! Even if you are not coming to Japan but want to learn more about Japanese culture, society and language, seen from the viewpoint of a foreigner, you are also invited to watch my videos.

Have fun!
